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Discussion on Caspian Sea Climate Challenges at the European Institute for Asian Studies

08.10.2024 | 13:35 |
 Discussion on Caspian Sea Climate Challenges at the European Institute for Asian Studies

The European Institute of Asian Studies hosted an event on the current climate challenges facing the Caspian Sea. The discussion was attended by representatives of diplomatic missions, international organizations, media and think tanks. Among the speakers were Ambassador of Turkmenistan Sapar Palvanov, Ambassador of Azerbaijan Vagif Sadigov, Director General of the European Institute for Asian Studies Axel Goethals, Head of UNDP Brussels Camilla Brückner and Head of the EU Central Asia Office Sarah Rinaldi.

The main topic of the event was environmental and climatic challenges, among which water level decline and the impact of climate change on the Caspian Sea were particularly discussed. The participants noted the importance of strengthening coordination between countries and international organizations to develop effective and science-based solutions to reduce the negative consequences of these processes.

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The Ambassador of Turkmenistan emphasized the readiness of his country to actively participate in international efforts aimed at studying and solving environmental problems of the Caspian Sea. He presented an initiative to establish a special working group to study climatic and environmental aspects of the Caspian Sea, which is currently under consideration by the Caspian littoral states.

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In addition, it was suggested to consider involving the UN Centre for Preventive Diplomacy, based in Ashgabat, which has considerable experience in resolving regional issues. Participants noted that its involvement could contribute to addressing climate challenges related to the Caspian Sea.

The Ambassador of Turkmenistan also recalled the proposal to establish a regional environmental and technological centre for Central Asian countries in Turkmenistan. This centre could become an important platform for scientific analysis of climate change and its impact on the Caspian Sea ecosystem, as well as for the development of joint measures to preserve the region's natural resources.

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The event at the European Institute of Asian Studies provided a convenient platform for the exchange of views and proposals to address environmental problems in the Caspian region. The participants emphasized the need to further study climate and environmental changes in the region and to develop joint strategies to protect this unique body of water.


Photo: provided by the Embassy of Turkmenistan in Belgium

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