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The Foreign Ministry of Turkmenistan held a meeting with the Secretary General of TURKSOY

03.09.2024 | 18:40 |
 The Foreign Ministry of Turkmenistan held a meeting with the Secretary General of TURKSOY

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan Rashid Meredov discussed current issues of cooperation with Secretary General of the International Organization of Turkic Culture (TURKSOY) Sultan Rayev.

During the meeting at the Foreign Ministry of Turkmenistan on September 3, it was noted that 2024 is a significant year for the country - it was declared by TURKSOY as the "Year of the great poet and thinker of the Turkic world – Magtymguly Fragi", and the ancient Turkmen city of Anau became the cultural capital of the Turkic world.

The participants in the talks paid attention to the organization of upcoming joint events aimed at popularizing the work of Magtymguly Fragi and the cultural significance of Anau, the press service of the Foreign Ministry reported.

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The interlocutors emphasized the fruitful nature of Turkmenistan’s interaction with TURKSOY, aimed at preserving, studying and popularizing the rich cultural heritage of the Turkic-speaking peoples in the world.



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