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In Ashgabat, the final of the national competition of young bakhshi and dutar players took place

25.08.2024 | 16:15 |
 In Ashgabat, the final of the national competition of young bakhshi and dutar players took place

The final of the music competition "Çalsana, bagşy!" ("Play, bakhshi!") was held at the Mukams Palace of the State Cultural Center. This event is a separate nomination in the state creative competition "Türkmeniň Altyn asyry" for the Prize of the President of Turkmenistan.

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The nationwide competition of young bakhshi and dutar players was officially established in 2022 to study and promote national cultural heritage, as well as to commemorate the inclusion of the craft of dutar making, dutar playing and art of bakhshi in UNESCO's Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

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President Serdar Berdimuhamedov congratulated the finalists of the "Çalsana, bagşy!" competition by sending a congratulatory message.

On Saturday, 24 August, the names of the 14 winners of the competition were announced at the Mukams Palace, and they were awarded laureate diplomas of laureates and gold chains on behalf of the Head of State.

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