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A surprise for the poet, for whose poem a cartoon was made

22.08.2024 | 20:45 |
 A surprise for the poet, for whose poem a cartoon was made

Rovshen Velmiyev and Orazgeldi Ahunov, organizers of the stand of the Advertising Department of the State Committee of Turkmenistan for Television, Radiobroadcasting and Cinematography, did their best to ensure that their pavilion attracted the attention of visitors to the Kids Expo exhibition-fair that ended today in Ashgabat. The department is engaged in producing promotional videos, publishing colourful books for children, and producing two- and three-dimensional cartoons.

The advertising management team of the SCTRC actively cooperates with Turkmen writers, poets, from whose works they draw plots for new cartoons, as well as with composers who compose music for animated films. For example, recently composer Ayna Shirova wrote music for one of the future animated films. One day Rovshen Velmiyev told her that his team had already prepared a new cartoon based on Hemra Shirov's poem "Good and Evil". The creators of the animated film wanted to present their brainchild to the poet in a special way. So they asked Ayna to help them in preparing the surprise. The idea was to bring the unsuspecting poet to the Kids expo and sit him down in the hall where the premiere was to take place.

And so, on the appointed day and hour, the poet sits in the hall, and at some point a new cartoon starts showing on the screen, and then it is announced from the stage that the author of the poem is also here today. The surprise is a success! Hemra Shirov, moved to tears, went on stage, where he was presented with a bouquet of flowers and gifts.

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By the way, about the cartoon: an interesting plot, bright animation, wonderful music and professional voice-over will please the children. The creators plan to bring Turkmenistan's cartoon production to the world level. And they have everything for this - talent and professionalism.

After the presentation of the cartoon, the poet gave an interview to journalists. He spoke very warmly about the creative team led by Rovshen Velmiyev and praised the work of the specialists of the Advertising Department of the State Committee of Tirkmenistan for Television, Radiobroadcasting and Cinematography.



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