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The Maritime Merchant Fleet of Turkmenistan increases cargo transportation volumes

07.08.2024 | 17:55 |
 The Maritime Merchant Fleet of Turkmenistan increases cargo transportation volumes

In January-July 2024, the Closed Joint-Stock Company "Maritime Merchant Fleet" of Turkmenistan carried out transportation of 1,400,000 tons of cargo, 3,345 containers, 10,546 cars on its vessels, increasing the figures compared to the same period of the last year, the department's website reports. In particular, 100 thousand tons more cargo was transported, as follows from the diagram.


The company also notified its clients that it plans to carry out transportation along the Turkmenbashi-Aktau-Turkmenbashi route this week by the dry cargo ship "Balkan". The voyage date is indicated tentatively: August 7-8.

The vessel's carrying capacity is reported to be 2,000 tons (or 40-foot containers (FEU) - 76 units, 20-foot containers (TEU) - 176 units).

The dry cargo ship "Balkan" also carries out regular feeder transportation of containers along the route Turkmenbashi-Baku-Turkmenbashi.

Joint-Stock Company "Marine Merchant Fleet" offers services for bunkering foreign vessels and cargo transportation in various directions in the Caspian Sea, having dry cargo ships with a capacity of 3,000 tons/44 containers, oil tankers - 6,000 tons, automobile and passenger ferries - 54 trucks.



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