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Congratulations to Dovletjan Yagshimuradov on a convincing victory!

13.04.2024 | 14:34 |
 Congratulations to Dovletjan Yagshimuradov on a convincing victory!

On Saturday, Dovletjan Yagshimuradov in Las Vegas, performing in his debut fight in the Professional Fighters League (PFL), literally "defeated" his counterpart, Slovenian fighter Jakob Nedokh!

Dovletjan also destroyed with one blow those bookmakers who prophesied his defeat, calling him an underdog.

Judge for yourself: Nedoh is 7 years younger than Dovletjan, the Slovenian is 11 centimeters taller, and his arms are 2 centimeters longer.

The Slovenian fighter, nicknamed the "knockout machine", is extremely dangerous in the first minutes of the fight. He has eight consecutive wins in his personal record, and all the early ones were in the first round, except one.

And this gave reason to sports experts to predict that the second round would not be necessary for Nedoh to win, everything would be decided in the first minutes of the match.

However, despite his seemingly open style of "street fighting", Dovletjan has a powerful kick like the hoof of an Ahal–Teke, a swift attack like a Turkmen falcon-lachin, and cunning tricks like a Garagum cobra.

And all this was in the arsenal of the Turkmen fighter, who, as I expected, would apply it all in stages throughout the fight.

In the beginning, he will gently elude the crushing blows of Nedokh, then he will level the fight and, eventually, bring down all his martial arts experience on the opponent.

But Dovletjan outsmarted everyone, including the Slovenian fighter, using the blitzkrieg strategy, defeating the enemy in the shortest possible time!

... On the eve of the fight, just in case, I apologized in advance to the neighbors for the fact that they might be scared by my victorious cry from the reception (blow, throw, hooking, etc.), successfully conducted by Dovletjan. And vice versa – a cry of despair if his counterpart does the same.

There can be no other way. Watching the fight of real fighters does not work out the way ballet lovers do. Therefore, I warned the neighbors so that, being vigilant, they would not call a team of doctors from the madhouse.

Fans are such people: you can't understand them with your mind and you can't drive them into a cage of logic.

But, thank God, I didn't even have time to shout properly. And there's not much wrong with that. After all, the victory is ours!

And as always, our countryman Dovletjan Yagshimuradov, after the victorious fight, expressed gratitude to the people closest to his heart – the president of Turkmenistan, who does so much for the development of sports, his parents and all his fans, of whom there are many in many countries of the world.



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