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Agricultural companies of Turkmenistan are looking for business partners in Europe - we are going to Macfrut 2024 in Italy

09.04.2024 | 01:23 |
 Agricultural companies of Turkmenistan are looking for business partners in Europe - we are going to Macfrut 2024 in Italy

Turkmenistan produces a wide range of fruit and vegetables and has always been famous for melons, watermelons and grapes, but has recently been “noticed” in active tomato expansion. The country's greenhouse industry is rapidly developing, which has allowed it to become one of the main exporters of fresh tomatoes in the Central Asian region.

Products that were originally intended only for the domestic market are now intensively supplied to external consumers. The main importers of Turkmen tomatoes today are Russia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.

According to a recent report from the customs department of Turkmenistan, in January-March this year, the volume of tomato exports increased by 3% compared to the same period in 2023. During this period, the volume of tomatoes sent to Kazakhstan increased by 20%.


According to the department, in 2023, domestic exporters sold 128 thousand tons of tomatoes, which is 3.4 times more than in 2020. At the same time, 57% of the total volume of tomato exports was carried out to the Russian Federation and 28% to Kazakhstan.

Some Turkmen companies are already appearing in Europe. Turkmen agribusiness will also be present at the next edition of the largest fruit and vegetable exhibition Macfrut in Italy (Rimini, May 8-10, 2024).

Eight of the largest and most export-oriented companies will be present at Macfrut under the “Made in Turkmenistan” auspices. This national booth is sponsored by USAID Trade Central Asia as a way to promote exports from Turkmenistan.

Macfrut provides a meeting place and opportunity for the exchange of ideas for professionals in the growing and supplying of fruit and vegetables, from people working in production and trade to those working in logistics, packaging, machinery and retail.


Logistics is one of the main interests for Turkmen producers of fruit and vegetables in matters of their delivery to the European Union markets.

Of course, companies would like to do deals on Macfrut, they are interested in finding and establishing long-term business relationships with global buyers and suppliers of production inputs such as seeds, raw materials, equipment, technology.



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