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China will begin producing motorcycles for Central Asia

02.02.2024 | 21:44 |
 China will begin producing motorcycles for Central Asia

The Khorgos section of the Xinjiang Pilot Free Trade Zone (Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Northwestern China) launched the first two motorcycle production lines aimed at the Central Asian market, People's Daily reports.

These lines, with a total production capacity of 1,000 motorcycles per day, are owned by local new energy technology company Kingold.

The company plans to supply mainly two-wheeled electric motorcycles and three- wheeled motorcycles powered by photovoltaic cells, as well as motorcycles with internal combustion engines, to Central Asian countries.

It is reported that the first batch of 1,200 motorcycles will soon be delivered to Kazakhstan. At the moment, the company has received pre-orders for more than 20 thousand motorcycles.

Local authorities plan to strengthen efforts to attract investment and assist local enterprises in developing the Central Asian market.



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