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Azat Donmezov - winner of the pop star contest of Turkmenistan “Star of the Year 2019”

18.12.2019 | 11:46 |
 Azat Donmezov - winner of the pop star contest of Turkmenistan “Star of the Year 2019”

Ashgabat summed up the results of the television contest of young singers “Star of the Year 2019”. Finalists gala concert was a great show for the audience and the final test for ten applicants for the title of “star” of the Turkmen stage.

Voting at all stages was carried out using viewer sms. So the composition of the artists who passed to the last stage of the competition was determined. Among them were performers who had already gained some popularity, but also names completely unknown to a wide audience.

No matter how many fans this or that artist has, the audience is always eager for something new, fresh, unusual. And in the wake of this contest, every year such bright performers appear that they used to know except in their native village and the surrounding area.

But the competition is interesting in that all the participants are equal in it - those who are starting a solo career, and having achieved success in this field, and the debutants of the broadcast and the big stage.

The final round of the “battle” of the vocalists lasted for about five hours, with interruptions in the comments of their performances from older and experienced colleagues who did not skimp on positive reviews, but did not just give out compliments. Each of the “experts” wanted to support one or another competitor, but to do it objectively, with an emphasis on his real strengths.

The annoying journalists who besieged the anxious singers with requests for interviews and photo sessions also helped the finalists to feel “on the approaches to fame”. But such is the artist’s life! ...

In the meantime, some shared their experiences with reporters and how it all began, others went on stage and immediately forgot all the troubles of creative reflection and ignited the public.

Passing the microphone as a baton to the next speaker, they sincerely wished each other good luck. But for some on this day - nevertheless, a competition implies competing - it personally accompanied.

Among them, the winner of the Star of the Year 2019 Grand Prix, Azat Donmezov, announced as a result of voting. In recent years, he has gained great popularity among young people, including participation in charity concerts.

On the one hand, the result of his participation in the competition is logical, and on the other, it once again confirms his talent and efficiency, for which he was awarded the challenge cup from the “Star of the Year 2018”.

Performers who took first, second and third places were also identified. These are Eldar Akhmedov from Ashgabat, Rahman Hudayberdiev from the Ahal region and Seyitguly Tullegenov hailing from the coastal region of the country - the Balkan.

Our other other photo frames will tell about the moments of the final of the contest:

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