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Turkmenistan took part in the meeting of the CIS Economic Council

17.03.2023 | 18:50 |
 Turkmenistan took part in the meeting of the CIS Economic Council

Turkmenistan was represented at the annual meeting of the Economic Council of the Commonwealth of Independent States by Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Hojamyrat Geldymyradov. The event traditionally takes place simultaneously with the International Economic Forum. This year, representatives of business and government gathered in Moscow for the 97th time. The forum was held on March 17 at the World Trade Center under the chairmanship of Kyrgyzstan, according to a message posted on the CIS Internet portal.

A meeting of delegations in a narrow format took place at the Moscow venue, and then an exchange of views took place on topical issues of economic cooperation in the CIS – they discussed the problems of business, trade and industry.

The delegates of the Council considered the issues of cooperation in the agro-industrial complex. It was noted that partnership in this area contributes to increasing the volume of mutual trade, entering the markets of third countries, ensuring food security in the Commonwealth, as well as strengthening the positions of agricultural producers of the CIS member states on world markets.

The heads of the delegations of the Commonwealth countries discussed cooperation in nuclear energy and innovative technologies, in particular, they discussed the activities of the centers for commercialization of innovations of the states, creating conditions for the promotion of new technologies and the exchange of scientific experience.

Following the meeting, a number of documents were signed: a draft agreement on the mutual activities of the CIS member states on the exchange of monitoring information in connection with the radiation situation, on the activities of the Interstate Council "Radionavigation" in 2018-2021, a draft Protocol on Amendments to the Agreement on the Rules for Establishing the Countries of Origin of Goods dated November 20, 2009, a draft on the implementation of A long-term plan of joint work on exploration, use and protection of the subsoil of the CIS member states for 2021-2025, A draft Action Plan for the implementation of the Agreement dated June 1, 2018. on cooperation between the CIS member states in the field of waste management of electronic and electrical equipment for the period up to 2030, etc.

The next meeting of the CIS Economic Council will be held on June 23 in an online format.


Photo: CIS Internet portal

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