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Volodin noted the importance of creating the parliamentary format of the Caspian Five

31.01.2023 | 13:57 |
 Volodin noted the importance of creating the parliamentary format of the Caspian Five

Speaking in the Parliament of Turkmenistan (Mejlis) during his visit to Ashgabat, the speaker of the State Duma of Russia Vyacheslav Volodin noted the importance of creating a parliamentary dimension of the "Caspian Five", RIA Novosti reports.

According to the Chairman of the State Duma, this will contribute to the practical implementation of the agreements reached earlier by the heads of the five Caspian littoral countries — Turkmenistan, Russia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Iran.

"We expect that the conference with the participation of the chairmen of the parliaments of the Caspian countries will be held in each of the states in turn. <...> We are discussing holding the assembly in Turkmenistan in 2024," Volodin said, pointing to the growing geopolitical and economic importance of the Caspian Sea.

He also noted that within the framework of the parliamentary dimension, it is important to promote the strengthening of trade and economic relations between states.

"Russia is among the five key trading partners of Turkmenistan (including after China, Turkey, the UAE. <...> The implementation of the agreements reached between the presidents and the governments of our countries will increase mutual trade. First of all, we are talking about the key area of bilateral cooperation – the oil and gas industry. It is necessary to deepen cooperation in the energy sector, including the development of new fields," the speaker of the State Duma said.

He also noted that the centuries-old traditions of peacefulness, goodwill, respect for other people's interests have found their continuation in the foreign policy of Turkmenistan, which has the status of permanent neutrality.

The official visit of the State Duma delegation headed by Volodin to Turkmenistan takes place on January 29-30. The Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation addressed the Turkmen parliament for the first time in the history of relations between the two countries.



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