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2000-year-old fountain in the Turkish city of Kibira has come to life again

19.06.2023 | 11:04 |
 2000-year-old fountain in the Turkish city of Kibira has come to life again

After nine months of restoration work in the ancient city of Kibira in the Turkish province of Burdur, a fountain that is two thousand years old has come to life again. The restoration of the monumental fountain was carried out with the assistance of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Turkey.

The fountain with two pools was erected in the city of Kibira back in 23 BC during the reign of the Roman Empire. The height of the structure is 7.5 meters, the diameter is 15 meters. It functioned for almost 600-700 years, being evidence of how the ancient city met its water needs.

The head of the excavation team, associate professor Shyukry Ozudogru, who together with a group of archaeologists, restorers and architects participated in the extensive restoration process of the fountain, describes that the water from it seems to "flow out of the mouth of a lion and a panther."

During the restoration work, an original water supply system was established from the source, so that drinking water now flows from the fountain, as it did 2 thousand years ago.

Kibira - "City of Gladiators"

The ancient city of Kibira in the Gelhisar district of Burdur province was once one of the most important cities in Roman civilization.

For 1000 years of the Roman Empire, the city became famous for its bloody gladiatorial contests. Therefore, Kibira got its name "City of Gladiators". However, an earthquake in 23 BC leveled the city to the ground. And only thanks to the citizens who restored the giant fountain after a natural disaster, it was not lost in time.

The original fountain had one large circular pool, and a second pool was added decades later. According to archaeologists, when the fountain was working about 2 thousand years ago, two round pools supplied drinking water to four different parts of the city.


Photo: provided by the Turkish Embassy in Turkmenistan

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