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Exhibition “Sergei Rachmaninoff: “I am a Russian composer””

06.12.2023 | 14:00
Exhibition “Sergei Rachmaninoff: “I am a Russian composer””

From December 8 to 18, the Department of Education, Science and Culture of the Embassy of the Russian Federation will host the exhibition “Sergei Rachmaninoff: “I am a Russian Composer”” dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the Russian pianist and conductor.

The exhibition will feature materials from the Russian National Museum of Music.

The opening will take place on December 8 at 6:30 PM.

Limited number of seats. To participate in the event, you must register by email or by phone (+993 61) 51-03-98.

Address: Ashgabat, Saparmyrat Turkmenbashi Avenue 11