China has announced its plans to create "three to five industrial clusters" using metaverses - virtual
worlds where digital avatars can interact with each other as in real life.
Polish startup Nevomo has developed technology that allows trains to take off and
float above the rails at high speed. The testing ground for the world's first MagRail
train was a 720-meter railway track in Nowa Sazzyn in Poland, Themayor reports.
According to the developers, such trains will potentially be able to travel at speeds
of up to 550 km/h.
In Hangzhou (China), where the XIX Asian Summer Games will be held from September 23 to October 8,
new amenities have appeared for residents and guests of the city. In particular, benches have been
installed in parks and squares where you can charge your gadgets wirelessly or wirelessly. People's Daily
writes about this.
At the Large Hadron Collider, physicists for the first time managed to observe neutrinos — one of the smallest and most mysterious particles that pass through all matter in the world, practically without interacting with it in any way. The "trapped" particles will help scientists better understand the fundamental laws of nature and figure out how the universe came into being.
A team of scientists from Imperial College London has developed innovative
photovoltaic panels that mimic plant leaves in their structure. These devices
efficiently convert solar energy into electrical energy.
China intends to actively develop robotics and introduce robots into ten sectors of
the national economy by 2025, according to the South China Morning Post.
Startup Humane, founded by former Apple employees, will share details about a mysterious AI-powered wearable device it is developing on the day of a solar eclipse this fall, co-founder Imran Chaudhry said. The astronomical event will take place on October 14th.