PricewaterhouseCoopers International Consulting Corporation (PwC) has named industries whose workers will be replaced by artificial intelligence in 2024.
By the end of last year, Apple became the leader among smartphone manufacturers. Such preliminary data is provided by an international research company specializing in the study of the global information technology and telecommunications market, International Data Corporation (IDC).
One of the largest manufacturers of electronic devices and computer components, Intel, announced the release of chips that allow the use of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in cars.
The German company Zeiss demonstrated Holocam technology at CES 2024,
which allows you to turn any glass surface into a camera. This could be anything
from a car window and laptop screen to the glass of a door in a house.
Experts from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have named 10 promising technologies that, in their opinion, will greatly affect humanity this year.