

26.03.2020 23:02
The European Union has contributed 5.5 million USD to the UN Multi-Partner Human Security Trust Fund for the Aral Sea Region that was founded under the auspices of the UN together with the countries of Central Asia. Earlier, more than 1 million USD was contributed to the Fund by ...
26.03.2020 14:27
Information agency "ArmInfo" – an independent news agency of Armenia - published on the Internet portal the information on the start of spring tree planting campaigns in Turkmenistan, dated to International Day Novruz. In the article it is noted that a solicitous attitude to n...
23.03.2020 13:05
Today, many researchers and ecologists agree that the coronavirus pandemic is the result of active human intervention in nature. A little less than two decades ago, after the Ebola virus became widely known, it was disseminated belief that tropical forests and pristine natural...
20.03.2020 23:31
Just recently, Geoktepe district of Akhal province celebrated the festivities as the district received an award in the competition for being the country’s best district having achieved the best socio-economic indicators. A wide celebration was organized on this occasion, while da...
18.03.2020 08:34
Today humanity is engaged in a mad race for survival on the planet – changing over to conscious consumption, interchanging gasoline engines with electric ones, cruising on sailing yachts with solar panels. The most obvious and simple step on the way to a “green” bright future tha...
16.03.2020 11:29
For the first time I heard about the beneficial properties of the miswak (sivak) sprig in the eastern market “Altyn Asyr” in Ashgabat. Walking between the malls, I drew attention to the “strange” spine in vacuum packaging. The seller, and part-time herbalist - Ahmed-aga, spoke in...
10.03.2020 12:07
The history of studying the fauna of birds in Turkmenistan has more than two hundred years. According to ornithological studies for 2018, 436 species living in the country were recorded. These, of course, are not final figures at all, since many factors influence the bird populat...
25.02.2020 12:21
At the 13th session of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (Bonn Convention) in the Indian city of Gandhinagar, 10 species were added to the list of protected animals. The Bukhara Urial, a mountain sheep with...
17.02.2020 14:21
The UN Development Program launches the new mobile online game Mission 1.5 to engage the global community in decision-making on climate change. Across all regions, including Central Asia, this campaign offers an easy and fun way to learn about ways that can help stop global clima...
04.02.2020 11:19
The Ramsar list of wetlands in 2020 can be replenished with the Turkmen South Cheleken gulf together with the island of Ogurjaly and Kelif lakes, including the Kelif ornithological reserve. At the working meeting of the working group of the Ramsar Convention in Ashgabat, Turk...