

15.07.2024 02:20
In honor of the 300th anniversary of Turkmen thinker Magtymguly Fragi, the Embassy of Turkmenistan in the Kingdom of Belgium hosted a presentation of a music video filmed with the support of the embassy in iconic places in Brussels and at the diplomatic mission itself. The video was created for a rap song about Turkmenistan, performed by a young Belgian artist named Tony
06.07.2024 12:02
The Ephesus Experience Museum, located in the ancient city of Ephesus, a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Türkiye, has won the top honour at the Mondo-Dr Awards, one of the world’s most distinguished accolades in technology, design and exhibition.
03.07.2024 23:33
During their visit, AFCENT musicians taught a master class at the Maya Kuliyeva Turkmen National Conservatory, gave a short performance for children with disabilities, and drew a crowd of over 1,000 at a public performance in the Berkarar Mall
02.07.2024 13:19
Discovering hidden bays on a boat of your own, diving into refreshing blue waters as the sun rises, navigating towards ancient ruins, and indulging in the tantalising flavours of the Mediterranean and the Aegean on deck…
29.06.2024 11:03
Known as the “flower garden” of Türkiye, Isparta has emerged as a popular ‘eco-tourism destination’ in recent years, with visitors flocking to the area’s vibrant rose gardens and purple lavender fields.
28.06.2024 10:50
On the occasion of a significant date in the national calendar of Turkmenistan - the Day of Culture and Art Workers, as well as the poetry of Magtymguly Fragi, on June 27, 2024, a solemn ceremony of laying flowers at the monument to Magtymguly, erected to the national poet of Turkmenistan in Kyiv, took place in the central square of the Ukrainian capital.
26.06.2024 19:50
On 26 June 2024, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Turkmenistan in Georgia D. Seyitmammedov met with First Deputy Minister of Culture and Sports of Georgia I.Bagaturia
21.06.2024 23:32
Events in honor of the 300th anniversary of the outstanding Turkmen poet-philosopher Magtymguly Fragi continue in Turkmenistan and abroad. An article in the next issue of the popular Ukrainian newspaper, the financial and economic weekly “Ukraine Business Review” is devoted to this topic, on the eve of the celebration of the Day of Workers of Culture, Art, and the Poetry of Magtymguly Fragi
07.06.2024 11:52
As a geography that has nurtured many deep-rooted civilisations, the Anatolian lands have also sustained numerous “firsts”. Where East and West meet, this ancient land is full of surprises, with each step revealing layers of history.
04.06.2024 16:45
On June 14, a concert in honor of the 300th anniversary of the great Turkmen poet Magtymguly Pyragy will be held in the city of Tsukuba, located in the Japanese prefecture of Ibaraki.