03.01.2020 09:38
The Afghan Ministry of Commerce and Industry declared that 10,000 tons of various goods with a total cost US $ 220 million were exported per a thousand flights. In a press-release, issued by the Ministry, it is reported that the cargo was sent through the air harbors of Afghan...
21.12.2019 13:10
Joe Biden has supported an immediate withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan. He made this statement on Thursday in Los Angeles (State of California) during TV debates of candidates for the post of US president US from the Democratic Party. As informs TASS, translation of ...
21.12.2019 12:53
Consultations with Afghan politicians in Kabul were a productive step on the eve of an important stage in the peace process, US Special Representative for Afghan Reconciliation Zalmay Khalilzad said. According to, a high ranking diplomat has visited Kabul this w...
15.12.2019 23:25
The ninth annual Meeting of Deputy Foreign Ministers of Central Asian states, convened by the United Nations Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia (UNRCCA), took place in Tashkent on 14 December 2019. The meeting brought together the Deputy Foreign Ministers o...
15.12.2019 22:26
Thanks to the efforts of specialists from the Afghanistan Breshna National Energy Company, the fourth turbine was commissioned as part of the Naglu HPP on the Kabul River of Kabul Province in Afghanistan. Upon commissioning of this turbine, the hydropower plant will provide a...
15.12.2019 13:26
In Afghanistan, for every book read and retold prisoners’ length of punishment is reduced for 6 days. This order was issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Afghanistan. This is specified in the institution’s newsletter, Pajhwok Afghan News reports. It also reported...
05.12.2019 11:54
On Tuesday with an official visit to Kabul German Defence Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer arrived. The head of military department of Germany met president of Afghanistan Mohammad Ashraf Ghani. The parties discussed issues of Afghan-German cooperation, including within th...
02.12.2019 13:30
At the 74th UN General Assembly session on Wednesday, a plenary meeting was held to discuss the Afghan problem. According to the Xinhua News Agency, Zhang Jun, the PRC Permanent Representative to the UN, outlined at a meeting the position of the Chinese party on this issue, an...
29.11.2019 22:47
“No one knows and feels the extent and depth of the Afghan problem, the aspirations and hopes of the brotherly people better than us, neighbors,” President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said, raising the Afghan issue at a meeting of Central Asian leaders in Tashkent. It is these s...
17.11.2019 11:31
The Italian city of Matera and the Afghan Bamiyan have become twin cities, authorities in the abovementioned province say. The twinning agreement was signed in the municipal hall of Matera City Hall in the presence of Mayor Raffaello de Ruggieri, Governor of Bamian Province Moham...