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What is export?

Export is the sale or supply of goods and services from one country to another.

What are the main types of exports?

There are two main types: direct export, when the company independently sells abroad, and indirect export, when the intermediary services of other companies are used.

What is online export?

Online export is the sale of goods and services abroad through Internet platforms. This allows companies to reach international audiences without the need for a physical presence in markets, simplifying the export process and reducing associated costs.

What are the benefits of exporting for a company?

Exporting can increase sales, expand markets and reduce dependence on the domestic market.

What risks are associated with exporting?

Risks include currency fluctuations, customs barriers, political instability in the importing country and differences in legislation.


How to start exporting goods?

You can start exporting by studying the market, identifying and finding potential buyers, adapting products to the requirements and standards of the importing country and preparing the necessary documents, including product certificates. It is also important to develop a strategy for logistics and delivery of goods.

What documents are required for export?

Basic documents comprise the invoice, transport documents, certificate of origin and, if necessary, licenses and permits.

What international agreements affect exports?

Export activity can be influenced by the World Trade Organization (WTO), regional trade agreements and bilateral treaties between countries.

What products from Turkmenistan are in demand on international markets?

Turkmenistan is known for the export of natural gas, petroleum products, textile products, as well as agricultural products, including cotton and food. Private manufacturing companies most often export agricultural products (vegetables, especially tomatoes), food products (confectionery), and light industrial products (including plastic products).

Where are Turkmen products produced by private companies exported?

Products produced by private companies in Turkmenistan are exported to various countries, including China, Turkey, Russia and the countries of the European Union. Exported products include a wide range of goods, including textiles, food products and petrochemicals.

How to find a buyer abroad easily?

To find a buyer abroad easily companies can use online platforms for B2B and B2C trade platforms, participate in international exhibitions and fairs, and also use the services of export consultants, agents and distributors. An effective marketing strategy and SEO optimization for international search engines also help attract international clients.


What is export consulting?

Export consulting is a range of services provided to support companies in their efforts to enter international markets. These services include personalized advice, analysis of industry trends and development of export strategies tailored to specific needs and industries.

What benefits can export consulting offer?

Export consultants provide valuable knowledge about international markets, help reduce risks and optimize decision-making processes. They also expand customer networks and provide support in establishing partnerships, which have already led to significant increases in export volumes for many companies.

How to choose the right consultant?

When choosing a consultant, you should take into account his international experience, reputation and specific knowledge in the industry of your interest. Consultants with local experience are especially valuable because they have knowledge of local conditions and regulations.

What types of services do export consultants offer?

The services of export consultants cover market analysis, marketing and product promotion, search for partners and support for placing products on international marketplaces. They provide a comprehensive approach that starts with market research and ends up with transactions support.

What marketplaces can be recommended for products?

Depending on the type of product and target market different marketplaces may be recommended, such as eBay, Amazon, Etsy and others. The choice of the platform will be based on product characteristics and export strategy.