

22.02.2018 10:48
[video poster="" width="1024" height="576" mp4="Без-названия-1-1.mp4"][/video]


Young dancer from Turkmenistan Azim Amanov is going to pass the casti...
20.02.2018 23:08

Aleksandr BAYRIEV

The recently completed Turkmenistan Boxing Championship is still being discussed among both specialists and numerous boxing fans also. Particularly, among young, who, within four days during the tournament filled the spacious tribunes of the sports complex of...
17.02.2018 11:50
[video poster="Заголовок-12.jpg" width="854" height="480" mp4="ое-WEB.mp4"][/video] That's the end of the 2018 Championship in boxing. It will be rememb
07.02.2018 20:01
[video poster="ГЛАВНАЯ-1.jpg" width="854" height="480" mp4="кубок-WEB.mp4"][/video] Today, the World Cup of the International Federation of Football Associations (FIFA),
07.01.2018 16:41
If for adults the long-awaited New Year's holiday quickly rushed in the cycle of preparations, searching for gifts, joyful meetings with friends and relatives, which were again replaced by a working week, then for children the New Year's miracle continues with the exciting expect...
07.10.2017 01:31
[video width="856" height="480" mp4="ОР_ASHGABAT-1.mp4"][/video] Ashgabat is a pearl of Central Asia, the white marble capital of Turkmenistan, an oasis on the edge of the desert, at the foot of the Kopetdag mountains. The city
01.10.2017 13:57
[video width="854" height="480" mp4="ОР_Азиада_Моменты_WEB-ORiENT-30.09.2017.mp4"][/video] Sport is the hardest efforts during long and rigorous training. Sport is a nervous fever before the start, when in minutes, and someti
29.09.2017 12:43
[video width="854" height="480" mp4="ОР_AiMAG-2017-Закрытие_WEB_ORiENT.mp4"][/video] Hosting events of such level as the 5th Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games is a tremendous responsibility, but Ashgabat has coped with it brill...
28.09.2017 10:44
[video width="854" height="480" mp4=""][/video] One of the most spectacular matches of the Games "Ashkhabad 2017" was sports dancing. Here the first place was occupied by representatives of China, having wo
28.09.2017 10:42
[video width="854" height="480" mp4="ОР_Боевые-искусства_ВИДЕО-27.09.2017.mp4"][/video] Martial arts is a new and harmoniously developed part of the Asian Indoor Games. They significantly diversified and enriched these inter