

13.08.2022 03:17
Hotels of the Avaza seaside resort on the Turkmen coast of the Caspian Sea will implement "green" standards. This is provided by the project "Development of sustainable cities: Development of green cities in Ashgabat and Avaza", which is carried out jointly with the UN Development Program.
13.08.2022 02:58
Experts and specialists from various sectors of the coastal countries of the Caspian Sea are constantly negotiating on the development and coordination of the projects of five-sided documents, and even during the outbreak of the pandemic, these meetings continued in a virtual format.
12.08.2022 17:25
The scientific and practical conference "The Caspian Sea - the Sea of Friendship and Consent" is being held in the Avaza tourist zone, dedicated to the International Day of the Caspian Sea celebrated today.
28.06.2022 17:56
President Serdar Berdimuhamedov instructed Deputy Prime Minister Annageldy Yazmyradov, who is in charge of the agro-industrial complex, to create a permanent water resources management center in the administrative center of the Kerki district of the Lebap region, the official Turkmen press writes today.
25.06.2022 00:48
IMEO is ready to provide companies operating in Turkmenistan with transparent standardized protocols for reporting methane emissions, technical guidelines for managing methane, as well as organizing seminars and modules that will help improve reporting on emissions of this gas and better control its sources, head of the International Emissions Observatory methane (IMEO) Manfredi Caltagirone said.
24.06.2022 06:28
The country presented such ambitious goals in the program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in key sectors of the national economy, which will be implemented under the Paris Climate Agreement. The document was submitted to the UNFCCC Secretariat in May this year.
24.06.2022 06:07
I want to start with the weather news, – said the EU Ambassador to Turkmenistan Diego Ruiz Alonso, speaking at the international scientific conference "Environmental aspects of hydrocarbon resources extraction", which was held today in Ashgabat.
24.06.2022 05:39
145 million trees "encircles" Ashgabat and other settlements of the country today. The "green necklace" has been strung for the past 20 years, planting 3 million trees every year. The total area of artificial forests of coniferous, deciduous and fruit trees currently exceeds 185 thousand hectares.
08.06.2022 01:02
Today, USAID in partnership with the Public Association Enterprise Tebigy Kuwwat hosted a roundtable for the government agencies responsible for environmental monitoring and data collection to discuss regulations that support climate-friendly policies and practices in Turkmenistan.
07.06.2022 21:24
The UNDP Office in Turkmenistan together with the Nature Protection Society of Turkmenistan held an Educational session themed "Only One Earth" for children of the sanatorium complex "Dayanch" in the Avaza National Tourist Zone.