

24.05.2023 20:47
In Karakalpakstan, in the city of Nukus, representatives of the environmental agencies of Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan discussed issues of cross-border cooperation on biodiversity conservation, reports .
20.05.2023 19:19
The possibility of using waste as an alternative energy source was discussed during a seminar organized by the United Nations Development Program jointly with the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan.
19.05.2023 19:27
The Turkmen delegation headed by the Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan Begmyrat Atayev made a presentation on the Aral Sea issues within the parallel event of the 79th session of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), which is taking place in Bangkok.
19.05.2023 16:49
Turkmenistan was represented at the 5th Central Asian Climate Change Conference (CACIC-2023), which completed its work in Dushanbe.
17.05.2023 00:30
Newborn lambs have replenished the number of "guests" of the capital's zoo. This spring, 9 lambs of the Turkmen mountain sheep, which is also called the Kopetdag sheep, were born.
16.05.2023 15:51
The Turkmen delegation headed by Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Environmental Protection Begmyrat Atayev is taking part in discussions on climate change at the 79th session of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific.
16.05.2023 10:28
14 new bulldozers and excavators have replenished the fleet of equipment in the northern region of Turkmenistan for water management works on the Turkmen lake "Altyn Asyr", Turkmenistan newspaper reports.
03.05.2023 12:41
The issues of integrated drought management were discussed during the meeting of the interdepartmental group for the implementation of the project "Development of national progress in adaptation planning in Turkmenistan". It is implemented by the Government of Turkmenistan jointly with the United Nations Development Program and the Green Climate Fund.
26.04.2023 16:19
Issues of transboundary water cooperation between Turkmenistan and the countries of the Aral Sea basin were discussed during the national seminar on water diplomacy, which was held in Turkmenabad.
24.04.2023 17:13
Iran's Environmental Protection Department is developing a program to protect Caspian seals, the Tehran Times reports.