

27.04.2023 10:44
The National Drama Theater of Russia (Alexandrinsky Theater), together with St. Petersburg State University and the Russian State Institute of Performing Arts, organized a three-day training and intensive for 40 young cultural managers of Turkmenistan.
26.04.2023 16:25
The National Museum of Asian Art of the Smithsonian Institution in the USA is ready to establish cooperation with Turkmen museums to develop this field of culture in Turkmenistan, improve the professionalism of employees and preserve historical heritage.
26.04.2023 13:19
Employees of Russia Today Documentary arrived in Turkmenistan to shoot a documentary film about the Akhal-Teke breed of horses, the newspaper "Turkmenistan" reports.
23.04.2023 22:27
On the last day of the "Week of the Department of Composition and Instrumentation" in the small hall of the Turkmen National Conservatory named after Maya Kuliyeva, a concert was held from the works of students of the composition class. The heroes of the occasion were worried and prepared for this event with all seriousness and responsibility. The concert hall gathered not only students and teachers of the conservatory, but also invited teachers from the music boarding school, as well as friends and relatives of young music authors.
23.04.2023 02:22
Most recently, the South Korean city of Yijeongbu in Gyeonggi Province, north of Seoul, hosted the events of the Days of Turkmen Culture, within which a film by Turkmen cinematographers was shown at Shinhan University.
22.04.2023 21:13
Physicists have such a concept as PF - "positive feedback". Simply put, this is when a signal with a + sign transmitted to the circuit returns in the same phase. Composers from the Department of Composition and Instrumentation of the Turkmen National Conservatory also have. For several days in a row there have been events organized by teachers and students of the department with the support of our friends from other areas and, of course, the press. And all our positive messages to the world have returned with a sea of thanks, a lot of phone calls, SMS messages, emails, messages in messengers, as well as orally.
21.04.2023 00:52
Jemal Agajanova, a 4th-year student of the Maya Kuliyyeva Turkmen National Conservatory, took the first place and became a laureate of the International Competition of Violinists, held in an online format in London. The prestigious music competition brought together dozens of musicians from around the world in the British capital. The winners will be honored in the summer in Paris at the annual award ceremony of the "Best of the Best" in the field of education, science, culture and art.
20.04.2023 23:05
The third day of the "Week of Turkmen Composers" was held with the participation of artists of the Turkmen State Puppet Theater. The mobile brigade arrived with their "stage partners" - dolls of various kinds. Their "passage" towards the small hall of TNC immediately attracted the attention of students and teachers who were in the corridors of the conservatory, and therefore all the chairs in the hall were quickly filled with those who wanted to watch the performance of the theater artists. The meeting with them promised to be fascinating. Everyone was interested to learn about the theatrical backstage, about the "kitchen", and about the secret hiding behind the screen. And on this day, all this was demonstrated to the audience.
20.04.2023 14:48
The second day of the "Week of Turkmen Composers" was a great success. It began with a vernissage of paintings by Turkmen painters. Canvases dedicated to musical themes filled the halls of the conservatory. Works in various techniques were presented: graphics, painting, tapestry, etc.
20.04.2023 10:41
The State Publishing Service of Turkmenistan organized a meeting of poets, writers, journalists and students of creative specialties, during which modern methods of narration were discussed, Turkmenistan newspaper reports.