

23.06.2023 18:30
In Turkmenistan, the artists of the Great Moscow State Circus on Vernadsky Avenue and the Nikulin Moscow Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard are expected to tour, who will present their performances not only to residents and guests of the Turkmen capital, but also for the first time make a tour of all regions of the country.
22.06.2023 17:43
The opening ceremony of the Week of Culture-2023 took place in the capital's Palace of Mukam.
22.06.2023 14:35
A small group of the Institute of History and Archeology of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan discovered stone remains of the first inhabitants of the Earth in the Baherden district of the Ahal region. According to Turkmen experts, the materials found belong to the Proterozoic and Paleozoic eras.
20.06.2023 23:48
Among the manuscripts of Nury Halmamedov there is a page entitled "Works in cinematography", in the lower right corner the date and place of recording are indicated: "12.III.83. Ashgabat, hospital, ward 8, polyclinic 4". Nuri knew he was leaving. He summed up the results and started with film music.
20.06.2023 23:37
On June 20, 2023, Nury Khalmamedov (1938-1983) would have turned 85 years old, he lived and worked in the 20th century, but his legacy not only continues to be relevant - Halmamedov has retained the status of the most performed Turkmen composer in the world for many decades.
20.06.2023 23:20
An exhibition of students of the higher creative school, who worked with the American artist Aimee Erickson on the technique of the plein air, opened in the gallery of the State Academy of Arts of Turkmenistan on Tuesday. The week-long workshops were held as part of the arts exchange program implemented with the participation of the U.S. Embassy in Turkmenistan. The exposition brought together artists, employees of diplomatic missions and international organizations, as well as students of the State Academy of Arts.
20.06.2023 03:18
Jori Moerland, a student from the Netherlands studying social geography at the University of Utrecht, became a guest of the Embassy of Turkmenistan in Belgium on Monday and was able to get to know the rich culture of our country, which he became interested in by touching the classical literature of the East.
19.06.2023 15:39
The National Center of Trade Unions of Turkmenistan and the Central Council of the Union of Women of the country summed up the results of a joint nationwide competition among jewelers titled "Zerim bar, zergärim bar, bagtyýar zamanam bar".
19.06.2023 15:34
President of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan Isa Gabibbeyli made a presentation "Stages of development and modern processes in the Azerbaijani and Turkmen Academies of Sciences" during an international conference held in Ashgabat.
17.06.2023 23:32
This harmonious melody resonates in the soul of Ivanovo musicians with special warmth. Its author, the famous Turkmen composer Nury Halmamedov, repeatedly came to Ivanovo in the Soviet years, stayed at the House of Composers' Creativity. And a small composition, which opens the collection of children's piano pieces "Fleeting", he called "In Ivanovo".