Turkmen schoolchildren are invited to the National English Olympiad
29.01.2023 | 00:53 |Turkmen high school students - students of grades 9-11 of the country's comprehensive schools can take part in the National English Olympiad, which is held in the capital by the D. Azadi Institute of World Languages.
The intellectual competition will be held in two stages. To participate in the competition, participants must register and fill out a questionnaire, which can be downloaded from the Institute’s website and send the data by e-mail patrioticyouthtniwl@gmail.com.
The first round - writing an essay in English, starts on February 8th. The topic of the essay will be announced at 14:00 on the same day on the Institute’s website . Students are given 3 hours for creative work. After you need to send your work to the competition jury by e-mail patrioticyouthtniwl@gmail.com.
The names of the winners of the first round will be announced on March 15, 2023. The list of "champions" will be published on the Institute's website. They will be able to continue the competition and take part in the second round of the Olympiad, which will be held on April 1 this year.
The competition will start at 10:00 am in the building of the Institute of World Languages named after D. Azadi. Students will need to take a test. The winners will be awarded with diplomas.
For more information, please visit "datmddi.edu.tm".